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Brent Dykeman

Artist and home:


Brent Dykeman, Hubbards, NS


Background and Occupation: 


Worked on a Farm. Painted houses. Worked in a Lumber yard, Worked in an office for a time (really boring!!).


Artist Inspiration and Influence:


People tell me that I am “compulsively creative” that I constantly have to be making things …Music, Muffins, Furniture, Gardening, and so on. Making Folk Art grew out of my woodwork hobby.  Love colorful, happy things that make people smile.


My Grandfather was artistic.  He made art pieces from things he found while wandering in the woods.  I grew up very poor and our main source of affordable entertainment was walking in the woods on weekends.  Always admired ‘woodsy’ creations made with things he found. 


Art method and techniques changed over time: 


I really can’t say.  Not sure that my methods and techniques have changed that much. 


Artistic Recognition: 


People often give me very kind praise for being creative and imaginative.  But my favorite compliments when people tell me that my creations make them smile and laugh …that I inspire joy in people.  What could be better than that?!?



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