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April Thomas


Artist and home:


April Thomas, Beaver River, Nova Scotia


Background and Occupation: 


I have had many jobs, Old Ladies Home, tree planter, flyer delivery person and currently house keeper at the CapeView Moteland Cottages, in Mavielette, Nova Scotia


Artist Inspiration and Influence:


I have been painting since my earliest memories, may be 3 or 4 year old. I was hiking on Mavielette beach and came across a bunch of smooth pieces of slate seemed to be begging for paint.  I had good comments from family and got a few commissions that inspired me to try and sell my art. 


Art Methods & Techniques: 


After painting thousands of pieces you get so you perfect some things, enjoy some more then others, find out what other people like that you do and realize what you yourself are good at.


Artistic Recognition: 


I have an online store and on Etsy store and have had my work in many galleries, shows and stores, so there have been many good reviews over the years, too (many to mention, LoL.  (Laurie and I have been trying to separate our art the last couple of years so I think he should have his own form to last couple of years so I think he should have his own form to fill out. 





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